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Spyro Documentation

Building Blocks

The fundamental blocks of Header Builder are Header Row, Header Column and Header Modules. We will explain how to use the Header Row and Column in this article. 

Header Row

Header Row is the primary component that holds the Columns and Modules. A header row’s setting can be changed using the options present in the Left Panel. You can have as many Header Row’s for you site’s Header. 

Click on the Header Row in the Right Panel to edit the Settings of the Row. Settings will be listed in the Left Panel. Each of the Settings are explained below – 

  • Full Width Header – Enable this option to set the Header Row to Occupy full width of the screen
  • Background Color
  • Padding
  • Default Visibility – You can choose to hide / show a specific Header Row using this option.
  • Visibility in Sticky Header – You can choose to hide / show a specific Header Row in Sticky Header using this option.
  • Sticky Padding – Option to change the padding value of the Header Row when the header gets sticky.
  • Border Thickness
  • Border Color
  • Box Shadow
  • Identifiers – You can set id or class for the specific header row.
  • Transparency Settings – The option to enable Transparent Header is provided in the Global Settings panel. This setting will affect all the Header Rows present. However there are a few options of the Header Row that you can Configure differently on a Transparent Header

Header Column

Header Column is housed within the Row. The layout of the Header Column can be switched while adding a row, or even after that by navigating to the Column Switcher. Settings of a Header Column can be modified using the options present in the left panel. The options present for a Header Column are explained below. 

  • Width – Width of the Column. Default value is set based on the Column Layout chosen.
  • Horizontal Alignment –
  • Vertical Alignment –
  • Padding –
  • Hide In – Option hide the column in specific devices.
  • Identifiers – You can set id or class for the specific header row.

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