Headers are a vital part of any site. Headers in Spyro theme are constructed using the Tatsu Header builder. Tatsu header builder provides a full visual interface to build anything from a simple header with just logo and menu to most complex headers with multiple rows and additional elements. It is powered by Tatsu. If you have read the articles on Tatsu Overview or used Tatsu builder in the past, the interface of Tatsu Header Builder will just be similar to it. However the building blocks and modules used in the Header builder are different.
If you have not used the Tatsu Page Builder before, we recommend you read through the articles below to get to know the various ways to navigate within the builder –
Before starting to build the headers using Tatsu Header Builder, you may have to follow the steps below to know how to Add or Edit a Header in your site.
Editing the Active Header – At once only one Header can be active. The Header that is currently visible on your site is the Active Header. It can be edited by clicking on the TATSU HEADER BUILDER link in the admin panel.
Editing inactive Headers – To edit a Non Active Header using TATSU, simply navigate to Tatsu Header > All Headers > Choose the respective header > Click on Edit with TATSU.