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Spyro Documentation



Sections are the topmost components of the page which enclose the rows and columns. This is the first basic thing you add to your page, everything you build starts with a section. Refer this article on Section to know the different options present. 


Rows are components that are included inside sections, many numbers of rows can be included in a section. Refer this article on Row to know the different options present.  


Columns are the components that are included inside rows, There are many different column types to choose from. A row can be divided into several columns, you can choose your desired column structure and then add your modules to the columns. Refer this article on Column to know the different options present. 


Modules are pre-styled content blocks with various options and can be customized according to the requirements of the user.  Modules are of two types, single level and multi-level modules. Single level modules are individual modules and can be used independently. We have over 50 modules in Tatsu. The most important modules would be Text Block, Inline Text, Button, Icon, Button Group, Icon Group, Google Maps, Video, Gallery, Shortcode Editor and Single Image module. 

  • Text Block – This module can be used to add Text. We have included the Tiny MCE editor in this module and hence you can add Images along with Text or also include any HTML content using this module.
  • Inline Text – This is another module to add Text contents in the Page. This module provides better user experience as you can edit the content in the right panel itself. A panel will several formatting options will float just beside the module and you can use that to choose the Color, Typography and alignment settings.
    NOTE – The Colorhub and Typehub data is linked with the Inline Text module and that provides option to pick colors and fonts that you have saved using thses plugins respectively.
  • Button – Button module has multiple styles and sizes. Apart from linking a button to an URL, you can also a link an Image/Video to be opened in LIghtbox using this module. We also have Gradient Button module, that supports Gradient Colors for Background, Color and Border Color.
  • Icons – We have included a huge set of Icon list within TATSU. This module has several shapes and sizes. Apart from linking an icon to an URL, you can also a link an Image/Video to be opened in Lightbox using this module. We have Gradient Icon module, that supports Gradient Colors for Background, Color and Border Color.
  • Google Maps – To use Google Maps in your page, the API key should be added under APPEARANCE > CUSTOMIZE > Global Tatsu Setting.
  • Shortcode Editor – Shortcode editor module should be used to add any shortcode belonging to a 3rd party plugin. Say you need to add a Slider built using Slider Revolution plugin, you have to add the shortcode in this module.
  • Gallery – The Grid Gallery module can be used to display Images in form of a Grid. Image can be Multi selected from the media library and added. Simply Click and Drag the image in left panel to rearrange / reorder the images.
    NOTE – The aspect Ratio of Images used in the Gallery module can be changed under APPEARANCE > CUSTOMIZE > Global Site Settings > Other Settings.
  • Video – Youtube, Vimeo and Self Hosted videos can be embedded in your page using this module.
  • Icon group – This is a multi level module. It can hold more than one icon and the group of icons will be displyed one beside another in a single row.
  • Button group – This is a multi level module. It can hold more than one button and the group of buttons will be displyed one beside another in a single row.

These are just the most common modules present in Tatsu. Explore the Module List to get to know the entire list of modules present.

Multi Level Modules

Multi-level modules consist of a group of individual modules of the same type. For example Tabs is a Multi-Level module where each Tab is an Individual Sub Module, which will have the controls necessary for setting the service, while the parent module will have settings that affect the entire service or all individual service such as Timeline Colour.

To edit the Setting of the Parent (Tabs) component, click on the “pencil” icon in the top bar and To Edit each of the Tab, click on the resective panel. Below is the list of Multi Level Module present. 

  • Button Group
  • Icon Group
  • Lists
  • Inner Row
  • Skills
  • Image Carousel
  • Tabs
  • Accordion Toggles
  • Testimonials
  • Process
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